Who is your Godly Parent in Percy Jackson?

Percy Jackson is a thrilling adventure series that takes readers on a journey through the world of Greek mythology. One of the unique aspects of the series is the concept of demigods, children of Greek gods, and mortals. As the protagonist Percy Jackson discovers his demigod heritage and goes on various quests, readers are also introduced to the idea of finding their Greek godly parent. This concept can be a fun way for readers to explore their personalities and interests, as each god represents different traits and domains. Additionally, it can be a way to learn more about Greek mythology and its many fascinating stories. By discovering their godly parent, readers can feel a deeper connection to the world of Percy Jackson and even gain a better understanding of themselves.

One of the unique aspects of the series is the concept of demigods, children of Greek gods, and mortals. As the protagonist Percy Jackson discovers his demigod heritage and goes on various quests, readers are also introduced to the idea of finding their Greek godly parent. This concept can be a fun way for readers to explore their personalities and interests, as each god represents different traits and domains. Additionally, it can be a way to learn more about Greek mythology and its many fascinating stories.

Created by: JimboSonofPoseidon
  1. Where in the world would you most like to be?
  2. What do you spend your time doing?
  3. Are you stealing stuff?
  4. Do you like graveyards?
  5. Do you like the sky / being on a airplane?
  6. Do you like swimming in the sea?
  7. Do you like school / learning stuff?
  8. Do you care way to much about your looks and you always have to look good for other people?
  9. Are you always getting in to fights?
  10. Are you always buliding stuff?
  11. Are you always listening to music or making poetry?

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Quiz topic: Who is my Godly Parent in Percy Jackson?

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