Who do u match most hinata shoyo or kageyama tobi?

Shut ur mouth and run me like a river slap her again and I'll slap u with a cactus next time I came here to drape some money yohoho I saw she hit me like tadow skinnyfat and I slay

The title of the anime is haikuu and I love the way the characters are just dreams of the male reproductive system and the way they say it again is the language of the male reproductive system and the way they are in the Philippines and our lives

Created by: Yuka sachiko
  1. What is ur fav colour
  2. What is ur fav food
  3. What character from haikyuu do u like?
  4. What do u think u will get
  5. What is ur fav drink
  6. What color is ur hair?
  7. Are u
  8. Are u
  9. Pls skip no side effects
  10. Skipppp

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