Who are your opposites

Who are you oposittes do you have a h8 for good people? what about the shy ones there is only one true way to find out and that is here.Just make sure you are ready you might learn something new you never knew about your self.

All you have to do is find go thro 10 easy questions to find out who you rlly do hate and no one is h8 less there is h8 everywhere so find out yours just take the quiz get awsners and you know how to be a better person =)

Created by: Bob
  1. What was your least favorite thing growing up.
  2. Out of this list what do you like the best
  3. What would you hate for some one new you met to say
  4. What is the best vidio game
  5. What did you think when i miss spelled video game in the last question.
  6. Name a good trait about you
  7. Name something bad about you
  8. Time for the game of. Spin of win It lands on million what do you do with it?
  9. Pick a face plz
  10. How did you like this quiz friend.

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Quiz topic: Who am Ir opposites