Who Are You Truly In Love With?

This quiz will tell you who you are meant to be with..it will tell you who you are, You are living a lie until you take this quiz...So take it nowww!!

YOUR MIND IS MY PUPPET. You will find out where your mind has been. Dont know why your so unhappy? Its cause you haventt tookk this quizz mannn!! Your probably miserable thats why you taking this quis in the 1st place.

Created by: Michael Angelo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you prefer?...
  2. First date?...
  3. When 'searching' for a mate, you go for?..
  4. You would describe yourself as?..
  5. What would you consider the deal breaker?..
  6. They're are going to propose to you, how would you like it?
  7. You want how many babies?
  8. Your song for them would be?...
  9. You like dem?..
  10. Theyre skin color would be?..
  11. One last question, what do you like doing?

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Quiz topic: Who am I Truly In Love With?