who are you? lol

heyyya, people! its me again! (lucinda) and i have made an awesome quiz!!! its about which one of my friends are you, or are you most suited to be! lol!

lol! you are just about to find out your result! just a few questions (12) need answering! please answer TRUTHFULLY and honestly. i hate writing these paragraphs they need to be at least something characters long and that sucks cuz i need to write a bunch of random crap.

Created by: gypsyzombieking
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your eye colour?
  2. What is your love life status?
  3. hair colour?
  4. do you like cats?
  5. favourite place out of these places?
  6. do you know who lucinda (me) likes?
  7. what would you prefer to eat out of these options:
  8. if your crush says hi to you, very much to your suprise (if you dont have a crush, pretend you do) what do you do?
  9. how many friends you have?
  10. final question, your opinion on me is...? ;)

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Quiz topic: Who am I? lol