Who are you in Delta Squad?

This Quiz is for die hard gears fans. If you love Gears of War, then this is the quiz for you. Are you the mechanical genius Baird, the leader Marcus, the power house Cole, Quiet Dom, or the sniper Bernie?

This quiz is to see who you are in Delta Squad. If you get Baird, then congradulations. it took a while to end this quiz, so please comment at the end if you have an questions or concerns.

Created by: Jace
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you wear any headgear?
  2. Do you like machines?
  3. weapon of choice
  4. Favorite saying?
  5. Hair color?
  6. What is your first name?
  7. Are you an only child?
  8. Skorge or RAAM?
  9. What do you call Bernie?
  10. Who do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in Delta Squad?