Who are you? [From The book Right to Lie]

danger! History! Pizza!!!! Power! who are you most like in my book The Right to Lie, are you funny and cool like Riley, or dangerous like Michelle take this quiz and find out!

The Right to Lie Michelle Starr works at the white house as an aid for the president. On day while delivering a letter to the Secretary of Defense she find a letter with a secret seal, a set of 8 number and the signatures of all the presidents from Gorge Washington to the current president Benjamin Lines. She fallows the clues that lead her to the National Archives where she meets Nickolas Gates and his humorous best friend, Riley Par. When she finally ends up at the Library of Congress, she finds something she believes is a myth, The Presidents Book of Secrets. But to her and Nicolas surprise there's nothing interesting about it. But when the after looking through it time after time they discover a map to a group of documents filled with so much conspiracy that it puts America at risk of

Created by: KMC
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would your job be?
  2. If the president handed you a secret package you...
  3. When you think of the word conspiracy you think of...
  4. is you knew a huge secret you...
  5. If you know someone is lying you...
  6. you deal with a problem by...
  7. what kind of car would you like to have?
  8. you like...
  9. to escape danger you...
  10. in your spare time you...

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Quiz topic: Who am I? [From The book Right to Lie]