Who are you from the Back Of Class Crew?

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Do you sit in the back of the class in at least one of your classes? If so, take this quiz! You will find out what kind of back-of-class kid you are out of 5 different results!

This quiz is just for entertainment, and you shouldn't take it too seriously because it is a joke. For example, if you get "Normal Kid", don't feel like you aren't special and unique or something.

Created by: grimmchild
  1. How often do you use the bathroom?
  2. What is your hobby?
  3. If the teacher told you to go to the principal's office, how would you react?
  4. Would you like to prank your teacher?
  5. What is your favorite class/subject?
  6. If you discovered a tiny island in the middle of the ocean, what would you do?
  7. What do you think you will get?
  8. What's your favorite type of pop?
  9. Who is your favorite out of these artists/bands? You can check them out, just look their names up on a search engine or youtube/spotify/soundcloud/etc.
  10. If someone is half British, half Korean and they make pop music would it be K-pop or Britpop?

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Quiz topic: Who am I from the Back Of Class Crew?
