Who Are You From Tara?

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Have you ever wondered which character from the Tara series you would be most like? Well, FlashFlameFilms have now released a quiz so you can find out!

Will you get mischievous Tara, emotional Christine or haughty Jennifer? It’s time to find out! (P.S. We are very sorry that we couldn’t include Amaya ).

Created by: FlashFlameFilms
  1. How old are you?
  2. Pick a colour:
  3. Pick a singer:
  4. Pick a form of social media:
  5. Pick your eye colour:
  6. Pick your hair colour:
  7. Pick an item of clothing:
  8. Pick another item of clothing:
  9. Pick an accessory:
  10. Pick a FlashFlameFilms movie:
  11. Lastly, did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Who am I From Tara?
