Who Are You From Sponge Bob Arrrr You???

There are bobs, there are pats, there are plankton, and sandys, and even krabs and squids. So are you a bob are pat and stuff where under water? And how long has sponge bob been under water???

When I made this it was fun. Take my Family Guy quiz too and I love Spongebob, and I don't know what I'm gonna get. So good luck with all the quizs I made that you thak ok. Thank?

Created by: kevin
  1. What is your fav color out of all?
  2. Do you like to do stuff like not in the house with a freind like jelly fhising or stuff?
  3. ARE you smart??
  4. Who U like best?
  5. Are you do you have a pet named gary?
  6. For no reason would you run off a dead end?
  7. Do you play muise?
  8. Do you like justis?
  9. Pick how your get 1+ on that guy.
  10. Do you sleep a lot?

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