Who are you apprenticed to?

Have you ever wondered what Ranger's Apprentice job you would get?There is Battleschool and Horseschool but it would be hard to make up your mind.How could you make up your mind?

Let this quiz tell you what job you would have.There are more than plenty of Jobs to choose form.Take this quiz and youl'ok be one step closer to the Ranger Apprentice world.

Created by: Annie
  1. What do you like to do in your free time?
  2. What do you normaly wear?
  3. What is your favorite color
  4. What weapon would you use
  5. What trait do you have the most?
  6. Who do you like more in the seires?
  7. Are you tall or short?
  8. What is your favorite book?
  9. Do you like to be known?
  10. How did you like the quiz(wont change your score)

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Quiz topic: Who am I apprenticed to?