who are yo most like in baby-sitters club little sister

The reason I wrote this quiz is to do somthing fun I messed up on some spelling so please dong make fun of me I am only 10 this is a cool quiz to see who you are like in the baby-sitters club little sister books they are great book s and their good books to read!

who will you end up to be you will see soon their are only a few correct answers so have fun and see who your like!!!!!!! have fun doing this quiz and remeber to do what is true not just to get the person you want.

Created by: marissa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite thing to do?
  2. what is your favorite color?
  3. what do you like to do at recess?
  4. whats your type?
  5. whats your fav food?
  6. Whats your fav game?
  7. whats you fav animal?
  8. whats you fav animal?
  9. whats your talent?
  10. whats your fav drink?

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