which winx fairy are you???

take the test to see what fairy of Winx you are could you be flora? or maybe Musa who knows so hat are you waiting for take these 12 questions to find out!

are YOU a genius? Or maybe a nature hunter until now you can only wonder but thanx to this great quiz in just a few minutes YOU can find out! prepare for the quiz! :)

Created by: bethany
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which is your favourite?
  2. which is your favourite hobby?
  3. do you have a dog? which one? if not tick no (sorry about spellings)
  4. pick a colour (sorry about the spellings)
  5. do you have a bff?
  6. which music?
  7. how old are you? (sorry to ask)
  8. which phone have you got?
  9. which emoji?
  10. did you enjoy this quiz? be honest

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Quiz topic: Which winx fairy am I???