which type of smiley face are u

smiley faces have personality they are like people. each smiley face is unique and you can't just make them they are one alone. smiley faces make you happy

which smiley face are you? Answer 12 questions and find out. are you hyper, frowny or nerdy and many more. there are so many possiblittys. you can find out who u are.

Created by: smile of smile
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you are invited to parties one the parents don't know, the other the parents will be there
  2. u got in trouble at school what was it for
  3. if you broke a bone how would you do it?
  4. what is your fave colour
  5. if you could be any animal what would you be
  6. if u were stuck on a island, what 1 thing would u bring?
  7. if your sibling calls u a name, what would u do?
  8. what thing out of the following would u rather have?
  9. if you could get a tatoo, what would it be of?
  10. what is your fave board game?

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