Which TSAMS character are you??

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I'm sry Solar isn't in this and I'm sry it's rly bad It did take me two whole days but I had to rush cuz I had to be done and I don't like to be rushed.

By the way why it took so long is bc I had to look up good pictures for it... and I'm very very VERY picky when it comes to picking out stuff... & I'm not kidding

Created by: ~Lunar-Moonrise~
  1. opinion on Moon?
  2. opinion on lunar
  3. opinion on Bmoon
  4. opinion on Eclipse
  5. opinion on Earth
  6. opinion on Kc
  7. opinion on Sun
  8. ^^
  9. How are you??
  10. Did you enjoy this

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Quiz topic: Which TSAMS character am I??
