Which Supernatural Brother Are You? | Comments

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  • Dean Winchester sweet are funny and spontaneous. you love to make a laugh and are very funny when you crack a joke. you prefer a one-night-stand rather than a relationship but do love to have a girlfriend. your a bit of a teaser and like to be fit, well groomed and muscular. if you have siblings you are the better looking of them all but love them so much even if you dont really show it. you love to remove whatever is in your way of doing your job and have to make sure its finished. if there is an evil supernatural son-of-a-b---- you want it to be gone and no second thoughts but you always do it the easy way and dont care whether you have to do it twice. you have (or will) have a good sex life because of your good looks and you are very relaxed and layed back, jobs dont interest you because you have enough money anyway! you have the smarts to be anything you want but really, cant be bothered. you are a very popular person and have lots of friends and you love parties and are a very 'people-person'


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