Which Sun And Moon Show character are you?

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This is a quiz to find out which Sun and Moon character u are! Pretty simple quiz to get the concept of. It's like any other quiz. There are many characters for u to get!

The results u can get are Sun, Moon, Eclipse, Lunar, Bloodmoon, and Earth! I hope u like your results! If u don't like your results, u could always take the quiz again!

Created by: sophia diaz
  1. How much do u know about the sun and moon show???
  2. How many siblings do you have dear sun and moon fan?
  3. What do u think about Sun?
  4. What do u think about Moony?
  5. What do u think about Eclipse? (aka Derito man)
  6. What do u think about Lunar? (aka The Bean)
  7. What do u think about Bloodmoon twins? (aka Blood wasted twins)
  8. What do u think about Earth?
  9. What's your favorite color?
  10. Who's your favorite character?

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Quiz topic: Which Sun And Moon Show character am I?
