Which Sp cat Oc of mine are you

I have made you Snoweh-Fans a quiz to see which of my OCs you are! If you want you can copy this idea Bc I don't care. I am an easy flower XD. I hope you are pleased with your results!

WHO DO YOU THINK YOU GOT!!??!!??!! I gave a range of these four Snowyfoot Tiny Dance Samantha Spotted I hope you like who ever you got and ask for an rp with them!

Created by: Snowy F.

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where would you live
  2. How do you feel about your sister(s)?
  3. RP: you have a gift sent from your ancestors! What would it be? How would you use it!
  4. How do you feel about sadness
  5. What will you do when you grow up (Kit POV)
  6. What is your best gift
  7. What is your favorite season
  8. What is your favorite SP character
  9. What word describes you
  10. Say you have a mate who is it or what would his name be
  11. Who do you think your gonna get?

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Quiz topic: Which Sp cat Oc of mine am I