which south park charcter are you?

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Are you a fan of South Park? Do you want to know who you are in that amazing show? Take a guess before this quiz. Cartman Kyle Stan Kenny Token Butters. Who will you be?

Thanks to this quiz, you can find out. With the most accurate results, no fakings, and awsome reading, you can truly find out who you truly really are.

Created by: Christopher
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. i am...
  2. what is your skin color?
  3. do you say curses a LOT?
  4. What are you thinking right now?
  5. what are you afraid of?
  6. who *pause* is your worst *pause* enemy?
  7. in life are you a main character or a backround person?
  8. pick an insult
  9. what is ur lucky object?
  10. wat ur favorite color?
  11. (no effect) did u like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which south park charcter am I?