Which song are you?

This quiz is accurate, fun, and worth your five minutes of time. I know what song I'm most like. Do you? If you don't, take this quiz to find out.

Do you have an anthem for yourself? No? Do you want one? Thanks to this awesome, easy quiz, take a few minutes and you just might find one!

Created by: Jinx
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite genre of music?
  3. Who is your favorite artist?
  4. What's your favorite animal?
  5. What personality are you?
  6. Where does your favorite number lie?
  7. What is your favorite sport?
  8. Do you have alot of friends?
  9. What's your favorite flower?
  10. What are you going to do with the result of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which song am I?