Which Sisterhood Of the Traveling Pants Sister Are You?

Find out which SOTTP sister you are when you take this quiz now! This is a great quiz for all Sisterhood fans out there.

Are you Tibby, Leena, Carmen, or Bridget. This quiz will determine which character you are most like. Will you get your favorite character?

Created by: Tibby
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color of hair do you have?
  2. Would you dye your hair drastically.
  3. Would you get a nose ring.
  4. Do you wear skirts all the time?
  5. Do you want love?
  6. Are you shy?
  7. Do you have siblings?
  8. Are you a leader?
  9. Did you like my quiz?
  10. Will you comment.

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Quiz topic: Which Sisterhood Of the Traveling Pants Sister am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Literature Quiz category.