Which Simpson are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Simpson are you?

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  • You are smart and independent. You are used to being independent and mainly hang around by yourelf. You love animals and the great outdoors. Nobody really sees the true you because your personality is locked up inside of you, but sometimes people do see the real you and they like it. So far life for you has just been about fun and you are enjoying it. You are partly spoiled but many still love you the way you are.

    91% Maggie

  • Your Result: Lisa

    You are really smart, play an instrument and some people call you a nerd. You are not the best at sports but you spend most of your time doing other fun stuff anyway. Some people like you, some hate you but you're used to it. If you really hate something you will try to do something about it. Although you are slightly nerdy you still have fun in life!

    I love sports!!!

    Puppy xo1

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