Which self-call are you?

Urk Plus./ Why seven six b. all your things are not going to happen if you don't answer this quiz correctly. if you thinK i'm kidding you just trying to tatntizlie this then yur sadly mistaken why the heck am I so ubiqutously insane

Why seven twelve. all your things are not going to happen if you don't answer this quiz correctly. if you thinK i'm kidding you just trying to tatntizlie this then yur sadly mistaken why the heck am I so ubiqutously insane

Created by: stupidfb
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your GPA and SAT score are..
  2. ate
  3. 252353
  4. 2
  5. 235235
  6. 23523qqq5
  7. a
  8. a
  9. ur1k';
  10. aewtr

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Quiz topic: Which self-call am I?