which scary movie character are you

this quizz will explain which scary movie character you are wheather you are jason a scardey cat or scream i not so mutch of a weeny or if your the fearless jason

i decided to make this quiss cause i was bored so now you can injoy this quizz that i made i hope you really do have fun figureing out witch scary movie character you really are

Created by: trinity collins
  1. who would be your first victom
  2. do you watch scary movies
  3. who would you kill last
  4. whats your fav color
  5. do you get easyly frustorated
  6. are you vilent
  7. do you yell alot
  8. how aften do you take your anger out on people
  9. do people like you
  10. this ones for fun whats your favorite scary movie

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Quiz topic: Which scary movie character am I