Which Saw III character are you?

Who are you really? Which Saw 3 chracter are you really? Will you pass this test? How good of a genius are you I hope you enjoy this quiz! Muahahahaha

How well do yodu know Saw3 chracters? If you were a Saw 3 chracter who would you REALLY be? How much do you remeber about the movie? You're my first test subject. Muahahaha

Created by: carrie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You gobble down lots of anti depressants
  2. You gobble tons of anti depressants
  3. Do you fall in love with older men?
  4. You're a guy who loves his wife
  5. Do you like to play games with people?
  6. Are you a healthy person?
  7. Do you like to cuss people out?
  8. Do you know what the cure for cancer is
  9. Are you young?
  10. Do you get mad easy

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Quiz topic: Which Saw III character am I?