Which Russian party would you vote for?

The following quiz weighs up your own political opinions to those held by Russian political parties. While there are more than 8 political parties I chose thse 8 as I view them as the most important.

Note: these are mostly my opinion from reading the programms of the parties. In addition, every answer has the justification, this is because while many Russian parties agree on certain things, their justification is very different, so read the justifications carefully and press the answer that you feel like you relate to the most.

Created by: Dima
  1. Do you support the current president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin?
  2. Do you support the current government of the Russian Federation?
  3. Do you support the pension reform passed by the state duma in 2018?
  4. Do you support the governments policy of mandatory vaccinations?
  5. Do you support the government's lockdown policies?
  6. Should the current examination system (EG) be abolished ?
  7. Should online learning be continued?
  8. Is the current minimun pension fair?
  9. Should Russia keep the current flat tax?
  10. Should Russia re-nationalize the oil, gas and other energy industries?
  11. Should the government encourage collective farms?
  12. Should the Russian government review the results of privatization?
  13. Should the Russian government continue the building of waste management plants throughout the country?
  14. Should the government increase subsidies for small buisness?
  15. Should the government give more money to families for children?
  16. How should the government solve the growing danger of wildfires in forests?
  17. Should the government increase or decrease the defense budget?
  18. Should conscription be abolished?
  19. Should the government recognize the republics of DNR and LNR?
  20. Was the annexation of Crimea illegal?
  21. Should Russia support Alexander Lukashenko?
  22. Should the current visa-regime with the Central Asian Republics be abolished?
  23. Is the current federal structure of Russia good?
  24. Should the government cut funding from the national republics?
  25. Should the ethnically Russian people be declared the 'founding people' of Russia in the constitution?
  26. Should homosexuality be criminally prosecuted in Russia?
  27. Should laws around extremism be made stricter?
  28. Should the death penalty be restored?
  29. How should the government tackle the issue of corruption?
  30. Should Russia try and revive the Soviet Union?
  31. What is your opinion on the Russian October Revolution?
  32. What is your opinion on Stalin?
  33. Which of these historical leaders should Russia look up to?

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