Which Riverdale Couple Are You And Your S.O.?

Which couple from Riverdale are you? Are you smart and cute like Bughead? Are you passionate like Archie and Veronica? Are you old friends and lovers like Falice? Or are you a new inspiring couple like Choni? Or perhaps not a great couple like Hiram and Hermione.

The quiz asks question about what your relationship is like, how you got together, and who you are as people. I chose some of my favorite couples so sorry if you don't like my choices.

Created by: Madi
  1. How long did it take for you to get together?
  2. Were you friends first?
  3. Have you ever broken up?
  4. What is the guy (or girl if you're gay) like?
  5. What is the girl (or yourself if your partner is a girl) like?
  6. Do you have similar interests?
  7. If you were in high school what category would you put the guy (or girl if you're gay) in?
  8. If you were in high school what category would you put the girl (or yourself if your partner is a girl) in?
  9. Do you trust your partner?
  10. What's your favorite thing to do together?
  11. Which couple do you think you're most like?

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Quiz topic: Which Riverdale Couple am I And my S.O.?
