which porkhound are you?

i created this quiz to determent which porkhound are you and if you want to figure out which of these pugs/porkhounds are you than this is the quiz for you so go ahead and take it.

do you want to figure out what kind or what porkhound you are porkhound is another word for pug because it looks like a pig but it's a dog so thats why we call it a porkhound so go ahead and find out witch porkhound you are!

Created by: brandon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you sometimes run out in front of cars?
  2. do you lick the air at all?
  3. how often do you get mad?
  4. what is your weight?
  5. how playful are you
  6. how often do you eat?
  7. what kind of toy do you play with?
  8. do you lift weights?
  9. what do you bark at?
  10. how high can you jump?

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Quiz topic: Which porkhound am I?