Which parappa main character are you

This quiz is to show which main character you want to be or already are from the parappa anime please watch the anime before doing this test as if you dont you'll never know what the characters are like

Please watch the anime first and then take this quiz please do not skip watching the anime as the name of this test might confuse you please dont take this test unless you have watched enough of the anime to know the characters

Created by: Rootthelucario
  1. Which of the following names do you worship
  2. Are you evil
  3. Are you a sinner
  4. Do you do good deeds?
  5. Which of the following character's personalities are equal to you
  6. would you pick up a guitar and play it if you saw it
  7. if you saw a weapon would you pick it up and return it
  8. would you ever rap
  9. Are you an idiot?
  10. ok you're at the end just stop i cant come up with anymore questions

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Quiz topic: Which parappa main character am I
