I love their pals there the best YouTubers ever THE PAS.THE PALS.THE PALS ARE THE BEST so awesome subscribe to them now right now got it now or I am going to hunt you down and kill you!!!

Have you wondered if I was one which one would I be???well I'm here to help you ALEX+EMMA=💑💏👪💖💖💗💘💙💞👍👍👍💓💜✌💖👅👅love LOVE his videos yes!

Created by: Emma Heard
  1. What is your favorite PET!?!?
  2. What is your favorite color!?! (Mine is purple)
  3. Are you awesome
  4. Fav pal
  5. Are you a super fan of the pals
  6. Why ur I color ?
  7. R u poop at obeys
  8. Rather eat poop or lick a cat
  9. Would you like to dye your hair
  10. Do you like the pals?

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Quiz topic: Which PALS MEMBER am I!?!?
