Which One Direction Song Is It

Are you a one direction freak.well I know that I am they are just so great I can't even explain omgg they are hot like totally omg I love love love them

One direction are my idol they are so hawttttt I love them to pieces I hardly have anything to say so i just go all the way out about my fav band one direction

Created by: Jay Horan
  1. Girl I see it in your eyes your disappointed
  2. So your friends been tell in me you've sleeping with my sweater
  3. Baby you got me sick
  4. Five foot something with the skinny jeans
  5. Said her name was Georgia Rose
  6. OK now let's fill in the blanks, I want you to ____ me
  7. Your ____ fits in mine like its ____ just for me
  8. She's not ____ of scary ____
  9. Like I'm waking up to only _____ a blue ___
  10. I'll take you to ____ world,I'll ____ you up

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