Which of the OTMA sisters are you

There are many know royals but the story of the four Romanovs has forever captives me. Their tragic fates and different personalities makes it impossible to stop reading about.

Have you ever wondered which Romanov sister you really are like? After all they are so different and unique that it is to tell. You might have a idea of you are. Or not! Good luck.

Created by: 12334
  1. What is your hobby?
  2. Who are you closest to?
  3. Do you like to be noticed?
  4. How do you do in school?
  5. Are you emotional?
  6. Have you every had a crush?
  7. What is your nickname?
  8. Dog person or cat person?
  9. A war has began! What do you do to help?
  10. Would you ever steal a cookie?

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Quiz topic: Which of the OTMA sisters am I