Which of the Main MLP Species are You?

So yeah, I was pretty bored and I just wanted to find out which MLP species I was, but I felt that none of the questions really felt like something that could really impact my species.

Since I was bored I decided to make my own whilst doing homework. This quiz involves numerous random questions that I feel would impact your species, as well as only three species. These are the main three: unicorn, pegasi, earth pony.

Created by: Leo
  1. What do you find yourself doing in your free time
  2. In a play, which role would you choose?
  3. Favorite Animal?
  4. What's Your Favorite Color?
  5. What type of media are you into?
  6. What type of after-school activities do you join?
  7. Favorite Mandatory Subject?
  8. Favorite type of Milk?
  9. Best accessories?
  10. What's your favorite internet slang?

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Quiz topic: Which of the Main MLP Species am I?
