Which of my Favorite Female Musical characters are you?

So musicals are awesome. Obviously. These are my favorite female characters from musicals. You get to find out which one of them you're most like! Have fun

The options include Galinda from Wicked, Eponine from Les Miserables, Christine from Phantom of the Opera, Amber from Hairspray, Ulla from the Producers and more.

Created by: katd13
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Let's start with basics. Good or evil?
  2. Have a special somebody?
  3. Ever had to pick between two guys?
  4. What's your vocal range?
  5. Belting. Yay or nay?
  6. If I asked somebody about you, what would they most likely say?
  7. What type of man turns you on?
  8. It was coming eventually. Favorite color?
  9. Which lyrics describe you?
  10. Which of these lyrics?
  11. Do you strive in the spotlight?
  12. Which career sounds like your type of job?
  13. Will you rate, comment, and check out my other quizzes?
  14. Will you rate, comment, and check out my other quizzes?

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Quiz topic: Which of my Favorite Female Musical characters am I?