Which of my Aftons are you?

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This is a test to see which of my AU's Aftons you are most like. They are kind of similar in some senses, but different in others, as you would expect from any family. This is my Fixed Relations AU, which means there are some major changes from the original lore. Since this is my AU (or, alternative universe, which basically just means it's OG FNaF in a universe I made up), there will be things in here that we will not agree on. THIS IS FINE. This also means I don't own original FNaF, so nothing I say or do matters canonically. If you don't like it, then you are fully capable of leaving without further interaction. As a warning, this covers illness/disorder, potential childhood issues, and other things.

In short, there is a content warning for heavy topics, and this is an alternate universe, which means nothing more than I took the original lore by Scott Cawthon and mixed it up a bit. This doesn't mean you have to like it. Enjoy the quiz now that I'm done rambling.

  1. Hello! I hope you enjoy this. Credit as due: All the pictures here are by my hand in Gacha club (I am m0ssygr0ve on most sites like Pinterest and discord, and cl0udii_v0id on Reddit).
  2. First question, what is your favorite color?
  3. What color is your hair?
  4. What is your eye color?
  5. What is your gender? (Yes, this plays a role in this test, as did the hair and eye color questions.)
  6. What do you usually wear?
  7. Would you consider yourself more....
  8. Are you...
  9. Do you prefer...
  10. How much do you say you care for others? (Be it family, friends, or strangers)
  11. Do you struggle with expressing care?
  12. Do you suffer from any form of issues or illnesses?
  13. What mental disorder do you suffer from, if any?
  14. How was your childhood?
  15. Do you get nervously attached easily?
  16. How aggressive are you?
  17. Have you ever bullied someone?
  18. Have you ever been bullied?
  19. What would you say your biggest struggle is?
  20. This is the last question, and it's a lighter one, because the last few have been rough. Who is your favorite?

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Quiz topic: Which of my Aftons am I?
