Which moroccanstar are you ?

Find you which Moroccanstar are you? lol just in case you forgot hihihi so anyways this should be for fun, just making it fun people and don't be sad if i couldnt guiess which moroccanstar you are, thats due to the fact that you dum and give wrong answers haha

and it's narrowed to certain members only, its hard and takes time to include all members ...sorry my friends lol next time inshallah ill put ur names up you ppl are lots to put up here...go in teams lol

Created by: moroccan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favourite section on Moroccanstar forum?
  2. whats your favourite drink?
  3. What language are you so good at?
  4. What is your most used emoticon on MoroccanStar?
  5. If you could be in a place right now. will it be...
  6. What gives you hope?
  7. if you happen to be lost somewhere, would you...
  8. if you were to get married to someone this year, what age do you prefer he/she is?
  9. are you good at...
  10. If you had to ban one thing, will it be..

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Quiz topic: Which moroccanstar am I ?