Which Moral Alignment are you?

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Moral alignment is a concept commonly used in role-playing games, literature, and philosophy to categorize characters or individuals based on their ethical beliefs and behavior. There are typically three main categories of moral alignment: good, neutral, and evil. Within each of these categories, there may be further subdivisions based on the character's adherence to law or chaos. These alignments can be useful in helping to define a character's motivations and actions, and can be used as a guide for role-playing or storytelling. However, it's important to remember that moral alignment is not always clear-cut or absolute, and characters may have complex and nuanced beliefs and behaviors that don't fit neatly into any one category. Additionally, moral alignment is subjective and can vary depending on cultural and societal values, making it a constantly evolving concept.

But which moral alignment are you? Lawful Good? Or maybe chaotic evil, or maybe even true neutral. Moral alignments can be a fun and engaging concept to explore in role-playing games, literature, and other forms of storytelling. So take this test and find out, you're moral alignment today.

Created by: Gigachad
  1. What is you're age?
  2. What is you're favorite color?
  3. Who is worse?
  4. What is your gender?
  5. Would you die for you're best friend?
  6. Would you kill someone to get something you want?
  7. Do you hate furries?
  8. A homeless kid is running away with some stolen food from someone, what do you do?
  9. Would you always try something new even if it's crazier than the last one after finishing the last thing?
  10. Are you annoying?
  11. What is the best yum yum food out of all of them?
  12. Lastly, men or women?

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Quiz topic: Which Moral Alignment am I?
