Which Mitch Era Are you?

The truest test, once and for all. Tried to include all Mitch eras, so no one would be left out. Also, this b---- ass paragraph has to be 150 characters so. I was gonna type out my favorite quote from the coffee table book but I won't do that to you.

Lol so Superfruit is really dead, huh? Hope all the 18+ people have a great time. But the channel? Lol who is she? Dead, that's who. She's in a better place now, along with Wyatt.

Created by: sera
  1. Do you like to party?
  2. What's your favorite comfort food?
  3. What type of music do you listen to?
  4. Do you ship Scomiche?
  5. You've gotta pick shoes to match your outfit. What do you pick!
  6. Someone comments something mean on your newest IG post. What do you do?
  7. Wyatt is long gone. How do you feel?
  8. Favorite Starbucks drink?
  9. You have a show coming up tonight but you feel yourself getting sick. What do you do?
  10. Lastly, are you skinny?

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Quiz topic: Which Mitch Era am I?
