Which member of the Jade Winglet are you?

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Hi everyone! This is Mango the RainWing again! And this time I brought my BFF Sandy the SandWing to help me make another quiz. The first one was awesome, but this time I had help, so IT’S EVEN MORE AMAZING!

This quiz has the seven characters from the Jade Winglet. Sandy and I wanted you all to find out which of the students you are. Now let’s get cracking and find out!🥳

Created by: Mango and Sandy
  1. Whose your crush?
  2. Fav color is…
  3. Favorite School subject:
  4. BFF:
  5. My friends would describe me as…
  6. What is your favorite food?
  7. True or false: Fruit is good.
  8. NightWings are…
  9. If you could have any pet it would be…
  10. My best personality trait is…
  11. My worst personality trait is…

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Quiz topic: Which member of the Jade Winglet am I?
