Which Melting Stars Tribe Are You From?

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There are 5 Tribed in the amazing world of fantasy. Which one do you belong to? There is a Role-play about this “Fantasy Realm” if you are interested in joining! Please Enjoy!

Come find out! Answer a few questions! If you wish not to, I understand your opinion! Please, have a wonderful and peaceful rest of your day/night! I hope you are happy!!

Created by: FoxyTheMoonghost
  1. Hello! Are you excited to take this quiz?? Also, please, check out my “Melting Stars” RP on Pinterest! (@Foxy_Moonlight / •GhostlyDream•)
  2. Ok First, what is your favorite color?
  3. Favorite food?
  4. What would you look like?
  5. What Role would you be in?
  6. You are being attacked! What do you do?
  7. You fall in love with another tribe creature, what do you do?
  8. You are out in the forest and see a young creature, lost. What do you do?
  9. Which Tribe Do You Want To Be In? (Doesn’t affect score)
  10. Did you Enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Melting Stars Tribe am I From?
