Which 'Man who stole time' character are you?

I don't know WHAT to write here, but they quiz people insist I write a certin ammoun of Characters, and so I attempt to fill up that ammount of characters in this box. So, join me on a journey of mediocrity and downright absurdity, as once more, I attempt to fill a meaningless word count.

So, which 'The Man who stole Time' character are you? Do you even know what that is? Do you even care? Probably not, but there we go. I didn't enjoy writing this...but that's politics.

Created by: Martin Penny

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When you go to a Hotel, you are...
  2. Your best friend is...
  3. Out of the following items, which one are you most likely to own?
  4. When there's a crisis, what are you doing?
  5. Your usual style of dress is...
  6. When you laugh, what does it sound like?
  7. Your ideal job would be...
  8. What do you consider your best feature?
  9. What animal are you most likely to own?
  10. If time were stolen, what would you do?
  11. Are you a religious man?
  12. What is your drink of choice?

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Quiz topic: Which 'Man who stole time' character am I?