Lot's of people wonder if they are a goddess and who their goddess idol is. They never seem to get that question answered fore some strange reason. I wonder if they took my quiz.

Of course you wonder that. Everybody does,so thanks to my glamorous quiz, everybody'll find their answer in person! Is not that cool or what!!!!!!!!!

Created by: **PhantomGal**
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite indoor fun to do during the rain?
  2. Do you have a temper?
  3. (First things first) Do you actually believe in GREEK mythology?
  4. What's your favorite colour?
  5. Do you like sports?
  6. Which major goddess do you want to be personally?
  7. Are you popular?
  8. Do you care for your clothing?
  9. What'll you rate this?
  10. Do you have a crush?

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Quiz topic: WHICH MAJOR GOD am I