Which "Magicis" Character Are You?

What character are you in my novel series? This is based on my knowledge and understanding of my own characters. This quiz is only 10 questions long, and I'm still writing my novel, so it may not be that accurate.

Please don't be upset if the results are not alike to you at all, since I am still writing my novel, and sometimes I want to switch things up. I hope you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Emilia
  1. You have a year left to live. More than anything, you want...
  2. You disagree with something someone is saying. You:
  3. Weapon of choice?
  4. Have you ever been bullied?
  5. Choose a book/TV show that inspired/helped me with writing "Magicis"
  6. Choose a quote from "Magicis"
  7. Choose the animal you relate to most out of these
  8. What word would people close to you use to describe you?
  9. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
  10. Choose an element

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Quiz topic: Which "Magicis" Character am I?

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