Which 'Magic Hunter' Character Are You?

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Okay. So. Hi. This is my very first quiz and I'm going to say, I'm proud of it. Pls leave a comment when you finish it. Now I'ma say random things, so don't read the next things.

rnwbfur uf huwruer uforegiuerugerufoer iuerwourebtiuw ureoher ug oireg bierno bgr bgiwerouer b uoewn erbobgewni rebuoreiogoewb ihren ireuwh urei b houtwi. Thank you.

Created by: quiz_lover
  1. How do you respond to sarcasm?
  2. What is your favorite activity?
  3. Pick a statement.
  4. You think you're:
  5. Your friends would describe you as:
  6. Where would you be on a weekend?
  7. Pick anything.
  8. How did you like the quiz? (The answer does count)
  9. Okay, so I'm going to have random questions now. Just answer with one choice and ignore it.
  10. One more
  11. Bye-bye

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Quiz topic: Which 'Magic Hunter' Character am I?
