which magcon boy will you marry?

i dropped my thun thun thun and when i was picking it up nash grier was down there so i joined this fandom and now i have a quiz

(I am aware that Hayes is not a part of Magcon, but I put him in here anyway because he's a lil squirt)

Created by: briely jane
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. describe you
  2. what type of guy do you go for?
  3. what colour eyes do you have?
  4. ideal first date?
  5. what colour hair do you have?
  6. any talents? any ambitions?
  7. which boy do you want to end up with?
  8. favourite genre?
  9. what would you like your first kiss with him to be like?
  10. where do you want to live with him?

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Quiz topic: Which magcon boy will I marry?