Which Legendary Metal Front Man Are You?

There are many great front men. Which one are you. Are loud? Do you protest? Or do you just want to make music? People have many different reasons. They try to compare themselves to the great front men. Metal is one genre where many men have tried but failed.

In my opinion 4 men stand out among the rest. These men changed the music business. To me these men are legends. People have come and gone but few have had such a big impact. Let us see which one of these 4 you are.

Created by: mike
  1. Which guitarists are you most likely to have on tour with you?
  2. When did you start listening to metal music?
  3. Which of the following is the greatest come back album?
  4. Which of the following in your opinion is the best song?
  5. Which genre do you like more?
  6. Where would you want to live?
  7. Why would you form a band?
  8. Who would you want to honor on stage?
  9. Do you watch music videos?
  10. Who do you think is the best band/artist to see in concert?

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Quiz topic: Which Legendary Metal Front Man am I?