Which Kuro Bara character are YOU?

Ever wonder which one of my characters you are? Well, I put together a short but fun quiz to see which one you like best! Take it tons of times if you want!

ARE YOU ready for some Kuro Bara character madness? If you are, take my quiz! Which one of my characters are you most like? It'll be fun, i PROMISE...and like I said, not many questions! oNLY 12!

Created by: Cassie
  1. If you were in a situation where you and the person you loved where in a life or death sort of thing, what would your last words be.
  2. If you could play ANY instrument, what would it be?
  3. What color do you like the MOST outta these 6?
  4. If you could have ANY of these abilities listed below, which one would it be?
  5. What would you buy your crush if you had the choice of these 6 items?
  6. Out of the fruit Below, which one would you choose to eat?
  7. If you where a male/female character in my anime, which one of these guy/girl characters of mine would you date?
  8. Why did you take this quiz?
  9. Lastly... Which one of my characters do u HATE the most?
  10. Well, fine...maybe ONE more questionAre you a hy person?

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Quiz topic: Which Kuro Bara character am I?