Which KOTLC character are you?

Have you ever wanted to know what Keepers of the Lost Cities character you are? This will give you the answer! Note: there are some spoilers so don’t take unless you have read the first eight books.

You may be a Dex, but you may be a Biana. You might be Linh, but you may be a Keefe, You could be just like Fitz, but you may be Tam. And, of course, there is the Mysterious Miss F.

Created by: Ash
  1. You are having a normal day at Foxfire when- boom! - something explodes what do you do?
  2. Which is closest to your stress habit?
  3. Do you want to join the Black Swan?
  4. Which KOTLC family would you like?
  5. Choose your favorite from the following questions
  6. Eye shade
  7. Minor character
  8. All quizzes have this, so
  9. Quote
  10. Who do you want to get?

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Quiz topic: Which KOTLC character am I?
