Which King of the Hill character are you?

Hello human being, If you are here, you enjoy King of the Hill and you want to know which character you are. I made this quiz for you, answer as honestly as you feel you have to

Have a croissant and an Alamo beer, sit back relax and take the quiz, if you don't get the answer you want it is not my fault, now go take the quiz before I take away your croissant and your beer

Created by: Dash_Turtle
  1. What is your sexuality?
  2. What pet would you rather have?
  3. What kind of relationship would you rather have?
  4. You would be described by your friends as:
  5. General emotion:
  6. Your good quality:
  7. Your bad quality:
  8. Favorite line from the musical Hamilton?
  9. What is your romantic orientation?
  10. How was this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which King of the Hill character am I?
