Which is your cabin for camp half-blood?

This is a quiz for Percy Jackson fans. You will find out which godly parent you have. If you don’t like the answer you got, you can take the quiz again!

Create your own quizzes if you want to but don’t copy mine! I have copyright and will be offended if someone copies me.BTW, anyone who does this, I ❤ U!

Created by: Rose_Purple
  1. Party today🥳! What will you wear?
  2. Test tomorrow! What to do!
  3. Favourite colour?
  4. What are you?
  5. How old are you
  6. How much do you hate lockdown?
  7. What is your favourite name out of these?
  8. Chose one:
  9. Male or female?
  10. Did you like this

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Quiz topic: Which is my cabin for camp half-blood?
